Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Case write up- Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case write up- Marketing - Essay Example Lack of professional management therefore has resulted into the lack of organizational development which could have been translated into greater success for the firm at the international level. 3. Another important key issue is the lack of capital to expand the business not only in the local market but at the international level too. Lack of capital has forced the firm to actually limit it and grow organically rather than expanding itself into new and emerging market. This has indirectly resulted into lack of exposure for the firm at the international level besides restricting its growth capacity. 1. Market expansion should be considered as one of the important strategic moves by the firm to actually ensure that it expands into the market other than Europe. Market expansion can be achieved either through the formation of strategic alliances with the firms which are already operating in the target markets of the firm or through a direct entry into the market. 2. Product development can be another important strategic move which the firm can make in order to ensure that they offer a variety of products to the existing market. As described in the case that the retailers often take very few items during the season and the firm is still not in men’s or children business therefore to offer a variety to the market, it is critical that new products should be rolled out at relatively quicker pace in the existing market. In order to ensure that the firm becomes successful at the international level, it is important that the strategy of market expansion must be adapted. In order to expand, business needs to formulate strategic alliances with the firms working in other markets. The formation of strategic alliances can really offer the firm a real chance to know and understand the market with relatively lesser capital while at the same time gaining valuable entry into a new market. Strategic alliances could be formed either through the

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Strain Theory Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Strain Theory - Thesis Example It is therefore critical that criminology as a social issue is given multidimensional approach that will consider various observed behaviors. The social environment is significant in influencing the behavior and conduct of individuals and this explain crime rate differences across gender. While studying the crime theory, it would be important to highlight such social parameters that influence behavior outcomes in people. In this case strain theory would serve as an important theory to unveil the causes of crime in the society. In various disciplines there are theories that explain a given phenomenon and criminology is not exceptional. Many scholars and researchers have diverse definition of theory but the common denominator is the aggregate application in explain any observed phenomenon in the society. Theory is generally a set of principles that are devised to explain a group of facts. It emphasizes proof of ideas behind principles that have repeatedly been tested and widely accepted as responsible for a given phenomenon. In regard to strain theory, it explains the factors that push an individual to develop criminal behavior in the society (Agnew, 2006). Although each man is born free, the emerging character is shaped by many external environment factors and this serves even crime mind development. Criminological theory plays a central role as far as understanding of crime is concerned. Past research indicates that criminology theory explains the forces behind emotional and psychological transformation t hat shapes a criminal mind. There are incidences across the world where people commit outrageous crimes that one can never imagine of. The mitigation measures towards reoccurrence of such criminal acts require understanding of theory of criminology. Development of theory constitutes critical analysis of a given phenomenon by establishing the variables and their relationship. Such relationship among variables must be taken through a